Maintaining social distancing at a workplace

How can social distancing still be maintained after lockdown in different places and environments? Here are some recommendations you might like to consider when at your work place:-


  • Try and adjust your start time so that you can start work when there are fewer people in the office or workplace.
  • When you arrive at work wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds.
  • Do not shake hands with your colleagues, instead opt for a non-contact gesture such as a thumbs up.
  • Try to maintain 2 metres distance at all times from your colleagues. If this is not possible due to the type of work you do, then your employer should have in place extra safety measures to maintain your safety. For example if you work in a factory, you might be given PPE to protect yourself further. 
  • Try not to open and close doors directly with your hands. For example, wear gloves or use your arm to push open the door. 
  • Make it a habit to clean your work area, desk, telephone, computer, mouse and keyboard with antibacterial or alcohol wipes on a daily basis before you sit down to start work.
  • Any fabric office chairs can he disinfected with upholstery antibacterial spray.
  • Consider wearing a mask and gloves if you feel necessary.
  • If your job is customer facing, then it is advised that you wear gloves at all times and disinfect your gloves after every customer interaction.
  • If you job involves preparing food for customers then wear a mask as all as gloves.
  • If you use the office kitchen or any other communal area for lunch or coffee, you should try and observe a 2m distance rule.
  • When you have finished your lunch or coffee, make sure you wash up your items and utensils with soap and water and clean any surfaces you used, before you leave.
  • Try and keep your tea/coffee mug with you after washing at your desk so you can keep using the same one.
  • Do not share stationary with colleagues and disinfect your pens or pencils daily if possible.
  • When using the toilets, disinfect the taps and toilet seat before use.
  • If possible, try and work some days from home as this will reduce your exposure to a busy work place.
  • Try and wash your work cloths daily using laundry disinfectant & detergent.

We hope you find these tips helpful.

How to social distance at a workplace during COVID-19

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