Maintaining social distancing on Public Transport

  • Try to use public transport before or after peak rush hour times. 
  • Wear a face mask when travelling on public transport. Alternatively you may like to consider wearing a face visor as this will also protect your eyes from virus particles on crowded public transport.
  • If you have sensitive skin, gloves can protect your hands from the harsh chemicals from the constant use of hand sanitisers which can be harsh on some skin types. Wearing gloves will also protect your skin from contamination.
  • Try and sit at the recommended distance apart from fellow commuters. So for example if you’re on a train, try and sit 2 empty seats apart.
  • Carry hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes even if you are wearing gloves as at some point these may become necessary to use to safe guard yourself.
  • Use contact less forms of payment when paying for your commute. Hover your card or phone over the scanner ensuring there is absolutely no contact at all.
  • Avoid eating and drinking whilst using public transport until you get to your destination and have been able to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your face at all times even if you are wearing a mask and gloves.
  • You might like to consider wearing a rain protector over your clothing when using public transport. Then when you get to your destination you can disinfect it with alcohol or antibacterial wipes and leave to dry.
  • If possible, try to travel from home some days of the week so that your exposure on public transport can be reduced. So for example ask your employer to accommodate working from home a few days a week.
  • You may like to consider cycling or walking to your destination as a way of avoiding crowded trains and buses. Alternatively you may like to consider driving instead or using an electric scooter.
Social Distancing on Public Transport during COVID 19 Pandemic

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